• Joe Julian's avatar
    Allow CGO_ENABLED to be overridden for build · 6f6c0d83
    Joe Julian authored
    On Mac OS they have some custom dns c library that uses some
    configuration files other than resolv.conf to configure dns lookups. The
    standard go library does not handle these custom configuration files
    which causes dns lookups to fail for some mac users.
    This allows the downstream pacakgers to override CGO_ENABLED to build
    binaries that use the custom dns library.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJoe Julian <me@joejulian.name>
Makefile 7.66 KiB
BINDIR      := $(CURDIR)/bin
INSTALL_PATH ?= /usr/local/bin
DIST_DIRS   := find * -type d -exec
TARGETS     := darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/ppc64le linux/s390x windows/amd64
TARGET_OBJS ?= darwin-amd64.tar.gz darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256sum darwin-arm64.tar.gz darwin-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 darwin-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-amd64.tar.gz linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-386.tar.gz linux-386.tar.gz.sha256 linux-386.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-arm.tar.gz linux-arm.tar.gz.sha256 linux-arm.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-arm64.tar.gz linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-ppc64le.tar.gz linux-ppc64le.tar.gz.sha256 linux-ppc64le.tar.gz.sha256sum linux-s390x.tar.gz linux-s390x.tar.gz.sha256 linux-s390x.tar.gz.sha256sum windows-amd64.zip windows-amd64.zip.sha256 windows-amd64.zip.sha256sum
BINNAME     ?= helm
GOBIN         = $(shell go env GOBIN)
ifeq ($(GOBIN),)
GOBIN         = $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin
GOX           = $(GOBIN)/gox
GOIMPORTS     = $(GOBIN)/goimports
ARCH          = $(shell uname -p)
# To specify the subset of acceptance tests to run. '.' means all tests
# go option
PKG         := ./...
TAGS        :=
TESTS       := .
LDFLAGS     := -w -s
GOFLAGS     :=
# Rebuild the binary if any of these files change
SRC := $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -print) go.mod go.sum
# Required for globs to work correctly
SHELL      = /usr/bin/env bash
GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
GIT_SHA    = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
GIT_TAG    = $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exact-match 2>/dev/null)
GIT_DIRTY  = $(shell test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "dirty" || echo "clean")
# Only set Version if building a tag or VERSION is set
ifneq ($(BINARY_VERSION),)
	LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/internal/version.version=${BINARY_VERSION}
# Clear the "unreleased" string in BuildMetadata
ifneq ($(GIT_TAG),)
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/internal/version.metadata=${VERSION_METADATA}
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/internal/version.gitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT}
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/internal/version.gitTreeState=${GIT_DIRTY}
# Define constants based on the client-go version
K8S_MODULES_VER=$(subst ., ,$(subst v,,$(shell go list -f '{{.Version}}' -m k8s.io/client-go)))
K8S_MODULES_MAJOR_VER=$(shell echo $$(($(firstword $(K8S_MODULES_VER)) + 1)))
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/pkg/lint/rules.k8sVersionMajor=$(K8S_MODULES_MAJOR_VER)
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/pkg/lint/rules.k8sVersionMinor=$(K8S_MODULES_MINOR_VER)
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/pkg/chartutil.k8sVersionMajor=$(K8S_MODULES_MAJOR_VER)
LDFLAGS += -X helm.sh/helm/v3/pkg/chartutil.k8sVersionMinor=$(K8S_MODULES_MINOR_VER)
.PHONY: all all: build # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # build .PHONY: build build: $(BINDIR)/$(BINNAME) $(BINDIR)/$(BINNAME): $(SRC) GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) go build $(GOFLAGS) -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o '$(BINDIR)'/$(BINNAME) ./cmd/helm # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # install .PHONY: install install: build @install "$(BINDIR)/$(BINNAME)" "$(INSTALL_PATH)/$(BINNAME)" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test .PHONY: test test: build ifeq ($(ARCH),s390x) test: TESTFLAGS += -v else test: TESTFLAGS += -race -v endif test: test-style test: test-unit .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: @echo @echo "==> Running unit tests <==" GO111MODULE=on go test $(GOFLAGS) -run $(TESTS) $(PKG) $(TESTFLAGS) .PHONY: test-coverage test-coverage: @echo @echo "==> Running unit tests with coverage <==" @ ./scripts/coverage.sh .PHONY: test-style test-style: GO111MODULE=on golangci-lint run @scripts/validate-license.sh .PHONY: test-acceptance test-acceptance: TARGETS = linux/amd64 test-acceptance: build build-cross @if [ -d "${ACCEPTANCE_DIR}" ]; then \ cd ${ACCEPTANCE_DIR} && \ ROBOT_RUN_TESTS=$(ACCEPTANCE_RUN_TESTS) ROBOT_HELM_PATH='$(BINDIR)' make acceptance; \ else \ echo "You must clone the acceptance_testing repo under $(ACCEPTANCE_DIR)"; \ echo "You can find the acceptance_testing repo at https://github.com/helm/acceptance-testing"; \ fi .PHONY: test-acceptance-completion test-acceptance-completion: ACCEPTANCE_RUN_TESTS = shells.robot test-acceptance-completion: test-acceptance .PHONY: coverage coverage: @scripts/coverage.sh .PHONY: format format: $(GOIMPORTS)
GO111MODULE=on go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | xargs $(GOIMPORTS) -w -local helm.sh/helm # Generate golden files used in unit tests .PHONY: gen-test-golden gen-test-golden: gen-test-golden: PKG = ./cmd/helm ./pkg/action gen-test-golden: TESTFLAGS = -update gen-test-golden: test-unit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # dependencies # If go install is run from inside the project directory it will add the # dependencies to the go.mod file. To avoid that we change to a directory # without a go.mod file when downloading the following dependencies $(GOX): (cd /; GO111MODULE=on go install github.com/mitchellh/gox@latest) $(GOIMPORTS): (cd /; GO111MODULE=on go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # release .PHONY: build-cross build-cross: LDFLAGS += -extldflags "-static" build-cross: $(GOX) GOFLAGS="-trimpath" GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOX) -parallel=3 -output="_dist/{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}/$(BINNAME)" -osarch='$(TARGETS)' $(GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' ./cmd/helm .PHONY: dist dist: ( \ cd _dist && \ $(DIST_DIRS) cp ../LICENSE {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) cp ../README.md {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) tar -zcf helm-${VERSION}-{}.tar.gz {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) zip -r helm-${VERSION}-{}.zip {} \; \ ) .PHONY: fetch-dist fetch-dist: mkdir -p _dist cd _dist && \ for obj in ${TARGET_OBJS} ; do \ curl -sSL -o helm-${VERSION}-$${obj} https://get.helm.sh/helm-${VERSION}-$${obj} ; \ done .PHONY: sign sign: for f in $$(ls _dist/*.{gz,zip,sha256,sha256sum} 2>/dev/null) ; do \ gpg --armor --detach-sign $${f} ; \ done # The contents of the .sha256sum file are compatible with tools like # shasum. For example, using the following command will verify # the file helm-3.1.0-rc.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: # shasum -a 256 -c helm-3.1.0-rc.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256sum # The .sha256 files hold only the hash and are not compatible with # verification tools like shasum or sha256sum. This method and file can be # removed in Helm v4. .PHONY: checksum checksum: for f in $$(ls _dist/*.{gz,zip} 2>/dev/null) ; do \ shasum -a 256 "$${f}" | sed 's/_dist\///' > "$${f}.sha256sum" ; \ shasum -a 256 "$${f}" | awk '{print $$1}' > "$${f}.sha256" ; \ done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: clean clean: @rm -rf '$(BINDIR)' ./_dist .PHONY: release-notes release-notes: @if [ ! -d "./_dist" ]; then \ echo "please run 'make fetch-dist' first" && \ exit 1; \ fi @if [ -z "${PREVIOUS_RELEASE}" ]; then \ echo "please set PREVIOUS_RELEASE environment variable" \ && exit 1; \ fi @./scripts/release-notes.sh ${PREVIOUS_RELEASE} ${VERSION} .PHONY: info info: @echo "Version: ${VERSION}" @echo "Git Tag: ${GIT_TAG}" @echo "Git Commit: ${GIT_COMMIT}" @echo "Git Tree State: ${GIT_DIRTY}"