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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Jan31Jul30171426May22Mar11FixmastermasterTestfixФиксДобавил трекерДобавил трекерfix: keyboards chunk_size set to 10chore: queue worker uncommentedMerge branch 'dev' into 'master'fix: empty reset groups bug fixeddevdevMerge branch 'dev' into 'master'chore: README filledMerge branch 'dev' into 'master'chore: depends_on removechore: setup for dockerizestyle: prettifiedrefactor: CONFIG_FOlDER env removechore: redis password addedchore: redis password addedrefactor: print removedrefactor: bot and admin-bot are different services nowchore: Todos markedrefactor: exceptions cathing refactorfix: redis user env removerefactor: vk_long_poll file structure refactorrefactor: bot file structure refactorfeat: attachments are now send with postfeat: admin part of bot implementedMerge branch 'dev' into 'master'chore: config folder banishedchore: requirements file addfeat: full implementation of translation and mailing of text postsfeat: yandex translation implementationchore: yandex translater credentials updatefeat: blank function for getting iam token addchore: config file addrefactor: cleanup for complete code refactorchore: add token varchore: move to poetryText translate function added