release-notes.txt 120.84 KiB
RIOT-2018.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
The 2018.07 release includes new features, like NimBLE (ble stack),
a MQTT-SN client, SHA-1 based PRNG, an UUID implementation. The RISC-V CPU
architecture support used by the hifive1 board.
Effort was done on refactoring, documentation, test improvements and bug fixes.
During the last release, maintainers contributed by running the automated test
suites on their boards. This gave valuable feedback on the board support state,
test reliability and where to focus effort to make testing easier and more
About 380 pull requests with about 675 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 27 issues have been solved. 45 people contributed with code
in 93 days. Approximately 1678 files have been touched with 147122 insertions
and 16060 deletions.
Notations used below:
    + means new feature/item
    * means modified feature/item
    - means removed feature/item
New features and changes
    + Maintainers guidelines have been written and added to the repository
    + Fix undefined doxygen groups and add a dedicated static check
    + Extend `auto_init` documentation
    + core: clist_foreach() now returns break-causing node
System libraries
    + puf_sram: SRAM PUF feature to seed PRNGs cortex-m platforms
    + random: SHA-1 based PRNG
    + matstat: Integer mathematical statistics library
    + UUID: [RFC4122]( Unique ID library
    * analog_util: Refactor, add unit test
    - cbor: Deprecation of this module, use cn-cbor or tinycbor package
+ asymcute: an asynchronous MQTT-SN client + gnrc_ipv6: full duplicate address detection support according to [RFC4862]( + gnrc_ipv6: support to handle RDNSS option in neighbor discovery + netif.h: a network-stack agnostic API to network interfaces + lorawan: add example application of autonomous class A device * sock_udp: allocate ephemeral port on sock creation when port is 0 * gnrc_netif: Enable RX and TX complete events after netdev initialization * net/gcoap: Refine Observe re-registration * net/nanocoap: Build message with coap_pkt_t Packages -------- + NimBLE: Bluetooth Low Energy stack used in mynewt + TLSF: re-enable original API to have different pools + LUA: Add an example with the shell + semtech-loramac: add support for link_check MAC command * libcose: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes * tweetnacl: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes * hacl: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes Boards ------ + Nucleo boards use their marketing names + HiFive1 (RISC-V) + slstk3402a + stm32f429i-disc1 + stm32l476-disco + nucleo-l496zg + stm32mindev + frdm-k22f, frdm-k64f, frdm-kw41z: Add bus configuration for onboard FXOS8700CQ sensor * mulle: Fix mixed up RX TX pins on UART0 CPU --- + E310 (RISC-V) * kinetis: GPIO: Enable the correct IRQn on CM0+ * kinetis: Refactor PIT timer driver implementation * kinetis: Refactor RTT driver * kinetis: Refactor clock initialization code * kinetis: Refactor LPTMR timer implementation * kinetis: Clean up SPI module power handling * kinetis: Conditionally enable MCG Device Drivers -------------- + periph_eeprom API with support for STM32 L0/L1 and AVR + AT commands parser + Fix periph_flashpage for iotlab-a8-m3/iotlab-m3/fox boards + IO1 Xplained extension: add support for light sensor and SD card, fix GPIOs initialization and SAUL support + tests/bench_timers: A comprehensive benchmark for periph_timer Build System / Tooling ---------------------- + Correctly set the RIOT_VERSION on release archives + iotlab-m3/iotlab-a8-m3: fix boards flashing + Fix use of non completely initialized BASELIBS variable + extract gcc include search directories for newlib-nano support + llvm: many compatibilities issues have been resolved * testbed-support: use new iot-lab command names Testing ------- + Address some of the failing tests + New tests enabled by default in CI + Improve testing automation for release testing Known Issues ============