Commit 68faf16b authored by Марат Омаров's avatar Марат Омаров
Browse files

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+26 -0
......@@ -125,9 +125,14 @@ module sm_control
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SRL } : begin regDst = 1'b1; regWrite = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SRL; end
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SLTU } : begin regDst = 1'b1; regWrite = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SLTU; end
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SUBU } : begin regDst = 1'b1; regWrite = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SUBU; end
{ `C_SPEC, `F_MUL } : begin regDst = 1'b1; regWrite = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_MUL; end
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SRLV } : begin regDst = 1'b1; regWrite = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SRLV; end
{ `C_ADDIU, `F_ANY } : begin regWrite = 1'b1; aluSrc = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_ADD; end
{ `C_LUI, `F_ANY } : begin regWrite = 1'b1; aluSrc = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_LUI; end
{ `C_ANDI, `F_ANY } : begin regWrite = 1'b1; aluSrc = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_ANDI; end
{ `C_BEQ, `F_ANY } : begin branch = 1'b1; condZero = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SUBU; end
{ `C_BNE, `F_ANY } : begin branch = 1'b1; aluControl = `ALU_SUBU; end
......@@ -156,6 +161,11 @@ module sm_alu
`ALU_SLTU : result = (srcA < srcB) ? 1 : 0;
`ALU_SUBU : result = srcA - srcB;
`ALU_BGEZ : result = ($signed(srcA) >= 0) ? 1: 0;
`ALU_ANDI : result = srcA & srcB;
`ALU_MUL : result = srcA * srcB;
`ALU_SRLV : result = srcB >> srcA;
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
`define ALU_SLTU 3'b100
`define ALU_SUBU 3'b101
`define ALU_BGEZ 3'b110
`define ALU_ANDI 3'b111
`define ALU_MUL 3'b111
`define ALU_SRLV 3'b111
//instruction operation code
......@@ -30,6 +35,8 @@
// if (Rs != Rt) PC += (int)offset
`define C_BGEZ 6'b000001 // I-type, Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero
// if (Rs >= 0) PC += (int)offset
`define C_ANDI 6'b001100 // I-type, Do a bitwise logical AND with a constant
// if Rt = Rs and Immed
//instruction function field
`define F_ADDU 6'b100001 // R-type, Integer Add Unsigned
......@@ -42,4 +49,8 @@
// Rd = (Rs∅ < Rt∅) ? 1 : 0
`define F_SUBU 6'b100011 // R-type, Unsigned Subtract
// Rd = Rs – Rt
`define F_MUL 6'b011100 // R-type, Multiply two words
// Rd = Rs * Rt
`define F_SRLV 6'b000000 // R-type, Shift Word Right Logical Variable
// Rd = Rt >> Rs
`define F_ANY 6'b??????
......@@ -99,9 +99,14 @@ module sm_testbench;
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SRL } : $write ("srl $%1d, $%1d, $%1d", cmdRd, cmdRs, cmdRt);
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SLTU } : $write ("sltu $%1d, $%1d, $%1d", cmdRd, cmdRs, cmdRt);
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SUBU } : $write ("subu $%1d, $%1d, $%1d", cmdRd, cmdRs, cmdRt);
{ `C_SPEC, `F_MUL } : $write ("mul $%1d, $%1d, $%1d", cmdRd, cmdRs, cmdRt);
{ `C_SPEC, `F_SRLV } : $write ("srlv $%1d, $%1d, $%1d", cmdRd, cmdRt, cmdRs);
{ `C_ADDIU, `F_ANY } : $write ("addiu $%1d, $%1d, %1d", cmdRt, cmdRs, cmdImm);
{ `C_LUI, `F_ANY } : $write ("lui $%1d, %1d", cmdRt, cmdImm);
{ `C_ANDI, `F_ANY } : $write ("andi $%1d, $%1d, %1d", cmdRt, cmdRs, cmdImm);
{ `C_BEQ, `F_ANY } : $write ("beq $%1d, $%1d, %1d", cmdRs, cmdRt, cmdImmS + 1);
{ `C_BNE, `F_ANY } : $write ("bne $%1d, $%1d, %1d", cmdRs, cmdRt, cmdImmS + 1);
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